Another Review

Here's a review I received from slave S, who I have been seeing for a few years for judicial caning sessions. I have copied and pasted it directly from his email, so rest assured that the grammar mistakes are his and his alone (and they will be dealt with next time I see him!).

Be careful what you wish for.........when Sophia has her next victim tightly secured to her punishment bench there is no escape from her sadistic presence.

The victims nervousness increases as she slowly puts on her leather gloves and takes the judicial cane from in front of the bench and swishes it through the air

the prisoner feels a light tap , then the cane swings back before landing with an exquisite 'crack', when a white hot line of pain sears across his buttocks

the mistress takes her time to lay each stroke exactly parallel with the last, using her full strength with great elegance and grace

For the prisoner the pain is intolerable, unbearable. at that moment the only things he thinks about are the mistress, her cane, and the pain.

The prisoner cries and begs for mercy, there is no mercy here, only discipline, correction.

After 60 strokes the mistress declares the sentence completed. The victim is invited to thank the mistress for his punishment. If the the mistress is not persuaded by his sincerity, she keeps a thick leather prison strap to help educate him further in the error of his ways........


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