New London Tour Dates

I am pleased to announce my next London tour dates: May 26th to 31st 2016.

I will arrive at Kings Cross at lunchtime on the 26th, so my first appointment won't be until 4pm, and I leave late in the morning on the 31st so unless there are some very early birds out there (and I know from experience that there are those of you for whom the journey to the airport to catch a 9am flight is not complete without a stop off at my dungeon to have some fire put into your buttocks!), my last appointments will be on the 30th.

My last visit to the Capital was in such demand that I couldn't fit all the sessions in that were requested, so make sure you book early, especially if you can't be very flexible with days and times.

On the 26th I will be attending Club Pedestal and am currently accepting applications from slaves who wish to attend with me. Email me (via my website) for details.

As usual, I will be conducting sessions from Murder Mile Studios in Clapton, east London.


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