Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

Wow, I knew I'd not posted anything for a while but I had no idea it had been almost three months since my last update!  Needless to say; I've been busy!  Those of you who follow my Twitter will know that I was admitted to hospital at the beginning of September with what turned out to be an infected gallbladder and accompanying gallstones.  After the longest ever "4 - 6 weeks" I finally had the surgery to remove the offending organ at the end of January, and am now fully recovered and back up to my old tricks!

My other main piece of news is that I have relocated to Yorkshire!  I am currently using Mistress Davina's Leeds chambers for sessions which, for those of you who are not familiar with it (and if you're not, you should be!), is an absolutely fabulous dungeon with multiple rooms all beautifully themed and equipped for everything from heavy torture and punishment to feminisation and everything in between!  My own dungeon equipment from London is amusingly all stored in my great aunt's garage (she may look like a very sweet 80 year old lady, but she's as feisty and wicked as me!  It isn't hard to see where I get it from when you look at the women on my mum's side of the family!), and come summer I will have it all out of storage, in my new Harrogate premises, and ready for a lucky few subs to serve me in.

If I haven't been at Mistress Davina's place dealing with some naughty boy's insubordination, enjoying myself with one of my new sluts-in-training, or having a coffee and a catch up with the lady herself, I've been at the stables; and I can't get over how much better the riding is up here!  I love horses wherever they are, but the Yorkshire countryside is so beautiful - it's a world away from the views (if you can call them that!) I've been used to in London.  I'm going to look at a horse to take on as my own (not buy (yet!) - his owner is pregnant and can't devote the time needed until long after she's given birth) next Sunday and I can't wait!  His name is Socks and he's a black 16.2hh Thoroughbred/Shire cross with four white socks.  Hopefully he will turn out to be as great as he sounds and we will have a long and happy relationship!

A quick note for London subs - I will be back in the capital at the end of March to do some filming, and will be staying for an extra few days to session with my regulars, and depending how much free time I have; possibly some new slaves as well.  Keep an eye on my blog and Twitter for the exact dates when they are announced.

On that note, I've got two naughty dogs awaiting attention so I will leave you for now.


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