A Tour Review And More Tour Dates

Well, it's certainly been a little while since my last post!  I had a wonderful time in Yorkshire, Mistress Davina's chambers are even more amazing than they look on the website, particularly the downstairs dungeon room with four (or five!  I can't quite remember!) point suspension all operated by electric winches.  I really can't wait to play in there some more!  More on that later...

A highlight of my tour was re-visiting the stables I used to spend every spare minute at while I was growing up.  I'd already driven out to Harrogate's best horse shop and treated myself to some gorgeous new cream jodhpurs and a beautiful leather crop, which I couldn't wait to change into; I've always loved the way riding gear looks and feels - there's something so sexy and powerful about the way the shiny black leather boots, tight cream jodhpurs, a white blouse, and tweed hacking jacket feel, and I adore the way the jodhpurs and hacking jacket show off all a woman's curves!  The addition of a beautiful whip is the icing on the cake!  So once I was appropriately dressed and had thoroughly admired myself in front of the mirror, I set off for the stables.  I'd booked myself a private lesson rather than a hack, even though the hacking in Yorkshire is gorgeous, because I think it's important to make sure one stays in good habits in the saddle.  I learned my lesson as a teenager when I stopped having lessons for several years, and was just hacking out from a private yard owned by a friend of my mum's.  Unbeknown to me, over the years I'd lapsed into some seriously sloppy riding which came embarrassingly to light when I was asked to ride a wayward Arab in the show ring!  Ever since, I make sure I have a lesson at least every couple of months to nip any bad habits in the bud.  I had a wonderful lesson on a gorgeous piebald gelding called Joker, but unfortunately I didn't manage to get any pictures to post this time; I'd left my camera in the car and didn't have time to go and get it after my lesson as my instructor had to race off to help an old man with a false leg into the saddle!

Unfortunately, no sooner had I returned to London than I was rushed to hospital in suitably dramatic style with agonising stomach pains.  I was there for a full week, with what turned out to be an infection brought on by gallstones.  Deeply unpleasant.  However, I'm now fully recovered and planning my next adventure...

...a return visit to Leeds on September 28th and 29th!  I had such a wonderful time I couldn't wait to return, so I will be available once again for sessions from Mistress Davina's Leeds Chamber Of Depravation.  Any Yorkshire subs who missed me on my last tour have another opportunity to book a session with me at an absolutely beautifully appointed dungeon.  Contact me to discuss all details and arrange an appointment.

I have already booked myself another lesson at the aforementioned stables, so I promise you a picture of me in my new jodhpurs upon my return!


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