Homework from sub Glen
I recently saw Glen for a much needed disciplinary caning during a visit to London. Afterwards, I set him homework which was to submit a write-up of the session. For once, he completed it. The first version arrived with typos (careless, and he will be duly punished for his sloppy work) but finally he handed in some properly checked work. Here is is: An appointment with the Headmistress I have visited many professional disciplinarians around the south of England over the last twenty years, and I have a small selection of favourites (all well-known names) to whom I regularly return. Most I now consider to be friends. My particular interest is in authentic school punishments, administered realistically and painfully by a harsh Headmistress. I am perpetually trying to recreate the nervous anticipation, the naïve bravado, and the fear that accompanied real experiences in the Head’s study during my schooldays. Occasionally I come across somebody offering such serv...